Préparez-vous à réagir rapidement à tout type de déversement, n’importe où, avec ces kits de déversement universels, à huile seule ou absorbants pour matières dangereuses préremplis. Que vous nettoyiez de petites gouttes et des fuites de machines ou de grands incidents environnementaux, nos kits mobiles pour les déversements contiennent les coussins absorbants, les chaussettes et les coussins dont vous avez besoin pour un confinement et un nettoyage efficaces. Parmi les autres articles de nombreux kits mobiles de protection contre les déversements figurent des lunettes de sécurité, des gants et des sacs jetables, une pelle et un livre d’intervention d’urgence.
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FAQ sur Kits d’urgence antifuites
How do I clean up a spill in the sump of a safety cabinet, since there is no drain plug?
Cabinets should be inspected often and spills should be cleaned up immediately. The 2-inch watertight sump in a safety cabinet is a required feature to minimize the impact of a spill. We do not have a drain plug in the cabinet's sump, because plugs are vulnerable and can be mishandled. Sorbents and rags for absorption are typically used for liquid clean up.
Can I use sorbents as a preventive measure for spills within a safety cabinet?
Due to its absorbent properties, sorbents are not designed for long-term, unattended use in any closed or confined space. Because fluids absorbed by sorbents will not be rendered less hazardous, less toxic or less flammable when absorbed, sorbents should never be used to line the shelves or sump of a safety cabinet as a preventive measure. Using universal-type socks and pillows that contain a mix of polypropylene and cellulose materials for acids, bases or other unknown liquids are strictly prohibited. Cellulous may react with some acids that could lead to a fire.
Do I need a hazardous material spill response plan?
No matter if a spill is inside a cabinet or outside a cabinet, each organization that stores, transport, uses, and disposes of hazardous materials should have a hazardous material spill response plan. All precautions should be taken to guard against the material’s hazards; please see Safety Data Sheets of individual chemicals currently being stored for more information. All responders should know and practice their role. You may need to safely remove and relocate containers from your safety cabinet before beginning the cleanup.
In the event of a spill emergency, materials and equipment needed for a safe clean up should be readily available. It is very important to ensure sorbents used are compatible with the materials of the spill. An appropriate UN Certified Salvage Drum will be required to collect and transport the hazardous material waste. Spills can be a result of leaking or damage containers so there should also be an appropriate overpack as required by the UN for the transport of damage containers of dangerous goods. For more information about hazardous material spill response plans, please visit the OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response standard at OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response and OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 at OSHA 20 CFR 1910.120 and seek the advice of professionals.