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Armadi di sicurezza e stoccaggio

Esplorate le nostre cappe di sicurezza di alta qualità progettate per conservare in sicurezza materiali pericolosi, sostanze chimiche, aerosol e infiammabili. I nostri armadietti soddisfano rigorosi standard e normative di sicurezza per mantenere il vostro posto di lavoro sicuro e conforme. Esplora subito la nostra gamma e assicurati la massima protezione per i tuoi dipendenti e il tuo posto di lavoro.
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Armadio al litio 23-LC Justrite
Armadio al litio 23-LC Justrite L'armadio di sicurezza per la carica delle batterie agli ioni di litio di Justrite è progettato per caricare e conservare in modo sicuro le batterie al litio. È dotato di un sistema ChargeGuard™ a 9 strati per ridurre al minimo incendi ed esplosioni. Disponibile in 2 versioni

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FAQ su Armadi di sicurezza e stoccaggio

Hazardous Material Storage Cabinet - FAQs

Designed in accordance with the latest NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and IFC (International Fire Code) standards, Justrite’s exclusive hazardous material safety cabinets ensure full regulatory compliance when storing hazardous materials. The improper use and storage of hazardous materials can be a source of fires, explosions, corrosion, toxicity, and contamination accidents. Taking proactive measures to prevent an accident is the best approach, and it begins by using the correct storage equipment, handling techniques, and compliant labelling.

  • Why are these cabinets needed?

    The NFPA and the IFC have adopted regulations that specify how to properly store hazardous materials. Justrite’s commitment to safety, by providing products in sync with evolving industry demands, led us to create products for our customers to maintain compliance with applicable regulations. An industry first, Justrite’s hazardous material safety cabinets comply with NFPA 1 Fire Code and IFC regulations concerning the storage of hazardous materials. For more details surrounding these requirements, see our TechTALK, Hazardous Material Safety Cabinets – The Regs.

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