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Sistema di riciclaggio per bombolette spray

Un’ampia varietà di importanti settori utilizza lattine di vernice spray e aerosol, che spaziano tra l’altro dalla produzione industriale, i comuni e l’istruzione professionale. Cosa succede a una lattina di aerosol dopo che ha raggiunto la sua vita utile? Le linee guida per lo smaltimento corretto stabiliscono che le bombolette spray pressurizzate sono generalmente sigillate in un fusto da trattare come rifiuti pericolosi in una discarica o in una struttura. Le lattine sono considerate pericolose perché contengono rifiuti liquidi pericolosi o sono ancora pressurizzate, il che può causarne la potenziale esplosione in discarica. Le aziende che non smaltiscono correttamente le bombolette spray rischiano di pagare pesanti multe.
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11 articles

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28198 Justrite
28198 Justrite Non-colour changing Activated Carbon Cartridge Replacement. Replace the carbon cartridge portion of the Aerosolv® two-piece coalescing filter/carbon cartridge in the Aerosolv Model Standard, Super or . Eliminate harmful VOCs released by punctured aerosol cans. Pack of 2.
28197 Justrite
28197 Justrite Non-colour changing Combination Coalescing/Carbon Filter Replacement for Aerosolv® system. The two-piece replaces the entire combination filter coalescing filter and carbon cartridge in the Aerosolv® System. Captures odors and harmful VOCs released by punctured aerosol cans.
28223 Justrite
28223 Justrite Colour Changing Activated Carbon Cartridge Replacement. Replaces the Carbon Cartridge portion of the Aerosolv® two-piece coalescing filter/carbon cartridge in your Aerosolv® Standard or Super System. Colormetric replacement cartridges indicate exactly when to change the cartridge with no guesswork.
28224 Justrite
28224 Justrite Colour Changing Combination Coalescing/Carbon Filter Replacement. Activated colour-changing combination Coalescing/Carbon cartridge filter replacement. Standard for Aerosolv® Standard or Super System. Two-piece filter captures odors and potentially harmful VOCs. Colormetric indicator tells you when to change out.
28228 Justrite
28228 Justrite Colour Changing Combination Coalescing/Carbon Filter Replacement. Colour Changing Combination Coalescing/Carbon Cartridge with auto shut-off valve. The two (2) piece coalescing filter/carbon cartridge filters out odors and potentially harmful VOCs. Features colormetric indicator for filter changes.

11 articles

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FAQ su Sistema di riciclaggio per bombolette spray
How long does my coalescing/carbon filter last?
The carbon filters supplied by Justrite come sealed in a plastic bag and shipped in a cardboard box which eliminates any adsorption into the activated carbon and in the case of the colormetric filters, UV exposure. Unless the packaging is damaged, there is no reasonable limit to the filter’s shelf life. There are too many variables to predict the life of a charcoal filter in use. The colormetric indicator will turn dark indicating the charcoal is saturated and should be replaced.