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HPLC-veiligheidsbakken voor laboratoria

HPLC-veiligheidscontainers en -containers voor laboratoria zijn voorzien van snelle ontkoppelingsfuncties en coalescerende koolstoffilters om het laboratorium en het personeel veilig te houden met een milieuvriendelijke oplossing voor afvalinzameling die voldoet aan de voorschriften. HPLC-afvalcontainers zijn ideaal voor bescherming tegen dampen en brand, beschermen tegen accidentele morsingen en maximaliseren de veiligheid en het gemak.
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9 articles

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HPLC PTFE-Spruitstuk 2817 Justrite
HPLC PTFE-Spruitstuk 2817 Justrite Enables up to six waste lines (per manifold) from HPLC processes to be fed into a single intake fitting. Safety container with manifold installed is OSHA compliant and meets NFPA Code 30. Use on round containers; not for use on oval style can. Beschikbaar in 3 versies
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Oranje
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Oranje The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line. Beschikbaar in 1 versies
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Rood
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Rood The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line. Beschikbaar in 1 versies
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Groen
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Groen The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line. Beschikbaar in 1 versies
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Blauw
HPLC PTFE Knelfittings 2812 Justrite Blauw The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line. Beschikbaar in 1 versies

9 articles

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FAQ over HPLC-veiligheidsbakken voor laboratoria
Is there a maximum of HPLC outlet tubes that can be connected to an HPLC waste disposal can?
The number of outlet tubes that can be connected to an HPLC waste disposal can at the same will depend on the amount of waste lines from the machine or the number of machines. Usually, one can should be enough for two HPLC machines, with the possibility of stacking two manifolds together.