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Recipiente de descarte

Os nossos recipientes de segurança de eliminação foram concebidos para evitar a propagação de incêndios causados por faíscas dispersas ou combustão espontânea. Estão disponíveis várias opções para eliminar em segurança cigarros, panos e panos oleosos, lixo combustível e resíduos de papel.
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Definir Ordenação Decrescente

65 articles

Definir Ordenação Decrescente
FAQ about Recipiente de descarte
How fire resistant is your Oily Waste Can?
Justrite Oily Waste Cans (OWC) are manufactured galvanized steel a fire resistant material as required by OSHA 1926.252(e). But there is more to an OWC design than that. The OWC self-closing lid limits the inside of the OWC of the oxygen that is required to support combustion. The self-closing lid guards the contents from sparks or other heat sources. Oily rags can create an exothermic chemical reaction from the polymerization of oil drying in the absence of air. This is a chemical reaction known to start fires. Always store oily rags in an approved OWC.