Latas de resíduos de HPLC per laboratórios
As latas e recipientes de eliminação de segurança por HPLC do laboratório apresentam características de desconexão rápida e filtros de carbono coalescentes para manter o laboratório e o pessoal seguros com uma solução de recolha de resíduos em conformidade e ecológica. Os recipientes de resíduos de HPLC são ideais para proteção contra vapor e incêndio, salvaguardando contra derrames acidentais e maximizando a segurança e conveniência.
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Latas de Segurança para Eliminação de Resíduos HPLC 1270 Justrite recipiente de resíduos inflamáveis
As latas de segurança de eliminação de resíduos de HPLC mantêm os laboratórios e o pessoal protegidos de líquidos inflamáveis e vapores.
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Coletor PTFE de HPLC 2817 Justrite
Enables up to six waste lines (per manifold) from HPLC processes to be fed into a single intake fitting. Safety container with manifold installed is OSHA compliant and meets NFPA Code 30. Use on round containers; not for use on oval style can.
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Acessórios de compressão de tubagem EFTE para colector de polietileno HPLC 2812 Justrite Amarelo
Os encaixes de compressão, vendidos em conjuntos de seis, acomodam tubos de parede rígida com 1,6 mm de DE. Incluem virolas para um ajuste de compressão à linha de resíduos.
PTFE Encaixes de Compressão HPLC 2812 Justrite BU
The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line.
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PTFE Encaixes de Compressão HPLC 2812 Justrite GN
The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line.
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PTFE Encaixes de Compressão HPLC 2812 Justrite RD
The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line.
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PTFE Encaixes de Compressão HPLC 2812 Justrite OR
The compression fittings, sold in sets of six, accommodate hard-wall tubing size of 1.6 mm OD. The fittings are approximately 25 mm long and made of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) — a fluorine based plastic. They include ferrules for a compression fit to the waste line.
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Bacia de Derrame 84003 Justrite
Durable polyethylene basin keeps work area clean around HPLC cans and captures any inadvertent leakage from HPLC inflow tubes
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28157 Justrite
Coalescing Carbon Replacement Filter for HPLC with “Quick-Disconnect” fitting
FAQ about Latas de resíduos de HPLC per laboratórios
Is there a maximum of HPLC outlet tubes that can be connected to an HPLC waste disposal can?
The number of outlet tubes that can be connected to an HPLC waste disposal can at the same will depend on the amount of waste lines from the machine or the number of machines. Usually, one can should be enough for two HPLC machines, with the possibility of stacking two manifolds together.